Bra  Volta do Estado de São Paulo, Stage 9 : Ribeirão Preto - Campinas (259 km) 28/04/2007  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader BRA  NOVELLO Marcos Christian MEM 30h34'02" 2 
 1. BRA  MOTA Fabiele Santos - 6h58'11" 4 
 2. URU  TAGLIABUE PEREZ Gonzalo Jose -  2 
 3. BRA  OLIVEIRA Jeovane Junior -  1 
 4. BRA  SILVA Roberto Pinheiro -  0 
 5. BRA  BULGARELLI Otavio Didier -  0 
 6. BRA  FRANÇA Carlos Roberto Marques -  0 
 7. BRA  TABANEZ Bruno Fernando Oliveira -  0 
 8. BRA  PANIZO Gregolry Alves Freitas -  0 
 9. ARG  MEDICI Matias SCF  0 
 10. BRA  SEABRA Renato Martins -  0 
 DQ BRA  NAZARET Magno Prado SCF  0 

  Race Comment  

NAZARET Magno Prado (Bra) initially ended 8th in stage 9, but tested positive for the use of Sibutramine after stage 8. He is therefore disqualified from this stage and does not earn any CQ points.


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