Crc  Vuelta a Costa Rica, Stage 2 : Cañas - La Cruz (105,8 km) 19/12/2017  
  Category: 2.2s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader CRC  VARGAS BARRANTES Paulo - 6h00'37" 2 
 1. CRC  VEGA SOLANO Jose Andres - 2h25'17" 4 
 2. COL  MUÑOZ PEREZ William David BSM  2 
 3. ESP  ORTIZ FRAUSTO Jesus -  1 
 4. CRC  CAMPOS SOLANO Leonardo - 06" 0 
 5. CRC  VARGAS BARRANTES Paulo - 08" 0 
 6. MEX  CORTE CORDERO Eduardo CAS 10" 0 
 7. CRC  RUIZ RODRIGUEZ Jordan Adolfo - 12" 0 
 8. CRC  GODINEZ MARIN Eddier Alberto - 15" 0 
 9. MEX  SANTOYO GONZALEZ Jose Alfredo CAS 21" 0 
 10. RUS  KULIKOV Vladislav - 03'38" 0 
 DQ CRC  MORA GARITA Melvin Alexander -  0 

  Race Comment  

Melvin MORA (8th and Leader) was disqualified from this stage as he tested positive during the race.


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