Bra  Volta do Rio Grande do Sul, Stage 1 : Novo Hamburgo - Sao Francisco de Paula (150 km) 6/04/2016  
  Category: 2.2s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader BRA  AFFONSO Murilo Ferraz FSC 3h39'07" 2 
 1. BRA  AFFONSO Murilo Ferraz FSC 3h39'19" 4 
 2. BRA  SILVA Kleber Ramos FSC  2 
 3. BRA  MANIEZZO Alan Valencio -  1 
 4.  not assigned -  0 
 5. BRA  ANDRIATO Rafael Mattos - 01'38" 0 
 6. FIN  HENTTALA Joonas TNN 01'38" 0 
 7. COL  CALDERON ERAZO Edson Arturo ECU 01'38" 0 
 8. ECU  GUAMA DE LA CRUZ Bayron Patricio ECU 01'38" 0 
 9. BRA  SILVA Elton Pedrozo - 01'40" 0 
 10. MEX  CORELLA BRAUN Rene Guillermo STF 01'40" 0 
 DQ BRA  CAMILO Everson Assis - 01'35" 0 
 DQ BRA  SILVA Roberto Pinheiro FSC 01'38" 0 

  Race Comment  

Everson CAMILO, 4th in this stage, was disqualified as he tested positive during the race. Roberto Pinheiro SILVA, 5th, was disqualified because of anomalies in his biological passport data.


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