Sen  National Championships Senegal (Thiès) R.R. (114 km) 17/11/2012  
  Category: NC5  
Result History   ↓ Race Comment ↓

  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 1. SEN  THIAM Malik - 3h11'26" 15 
 2. SEN  GUEYE Oumar - 04'09" 10 
 3. SEN  FAYE Modou - 07'20" 7 
 4. SEN  CISSE Daouda - 07'20" 4 
 5. SEN  BADJI Malam - 07'20" 2 
 DQ SEN  TRAORE Bécaye - 3h10'50" 0 

  Race Comment  

Becaye TRAORE initially won this championship, but tested positive in October in the Tour du Faso. He is therefore disqualified from the result.


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