Uru  Rutas de America, Stage 2 : Jose Pedro Varela - Melo (150,3 km) 22/02/2012  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader URU  SOTO PEREIRA Jorge Adelbio - 6h36'32" 2 
 1. URU  SOTO PEREIRA Jorge Adelbio - 3h17'26" 4 
 2. USA  BEYER Chad RCC  2 
 3. URU  PRESA PIREZ Alan Matias -  1 
 4. ESP  MANCEBO PEREZ Francisco RCC  0 
 5. USA  MAGNER Tyler BHD 24" 0 
 6. URU  MALDONADO SANCHEZ Ignacio Raul - 24" 0 
 7. URU  TARDAGUILA SILVA Alvaro Walter - 24" 0 
 8. ARG  MEDICI Matias - 24" 0 
 9. COL  GRAJALES CALLE Cesar Augusto RCC 24" 0 
 10. BRA  DINIZ Alex Correia RCT 24" 0 
 DQ URU  PINTOS RODRIGUEZ Pablo Daniel -  0 

  Race Comment  

Pablo PINTOS initially was 4th in this stage, but tested positive for EPO after the 1st stage. He is therefore disqualified from this race.


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