Ina  Tour of Singkarak, Stage 7a : Padang Panjang - Danau Kembar (107,5 km) 12/06/2011  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader IRI  ZARGARI Amir IUA 16h23'46" 2 
 1. IRI  ZARGARI Amir IUA 2h48'15" 4 
 2. HKG  CHOI Ki Ho -  2 
 3. JPN  AYABE Takeaki AIS 03'38" 1 
 4. PHI  GALEDO Mark John Lexer Guevarra - 03'38" 0 
 5. NED  BERKENBOSCH Maint - 03'38" 0 
 6. HKG  KWOK Ho Ting - 03'38" 0 
 7. TPE  FENG Chun Kai ACT 03'38" 0 
 8. INA  SURYADI Dadi - 03'41" 0 
 9. PHI  VALENZUELA Irish - 03'42" 0 
 10. INA  SUSANTO Tonton - 03'42" 0 
 DQ IRI  EMAMI Rahim IUA 02" 0 

  Race Comment  

Mirsamad POURSEYEDI initially won this stage, and Rahim EMAMI finished 4th, but both riders tested positive in May. They were therefore disqualified afterwards.


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