Uru  Vuelta al Uruguay, Stage 6b : Salto - Paysandu (118 km) 20/04/2011  
  Category: 2.2s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader URU  YAÑEZ MACHIN Emanuel - 20h39'03" 2 
 1. ARG  RICHEZE ARAQUISTAIN Mauro Abel OHT 2h31'54" 4 
 2. COL  ULLOA RODRIGUEZ Jeyson Camilo -  2 
 3. COL  FONSECA ALARCON Carlos Edgar -  1 
 4. URU  MENDEZ GARCIA Fernando Augusto -  0 
 5. ARG  TRILLINI Walter Gaston OHT  0 
 6. ARG  RICHARD Gabriel Horacio -  0 
 7. ITA  MALAGUTI Alessandro OHT  0 
 8. COL  CASAS BUITRAGO Ivan Mauricio -  0 
 9. URU  YAÑEZ MACHIN Emanuel -  0 
 10. COL  TORRES AGUDELO Rodolfo Andres -  0 

  Race Comment  

A big part of the peloton deciced not to race the final kilometers of the stage, because of the bad weather circumstances. All of them were disqualified afterwards, so only about 30 riders remained in the race.


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