Esp  Circuito Montañes, Stage 7 : Potes - Santander (152 km) 22/06/2004  
  Category: 2.5s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 1. ESP  NOGALEDO GARCIA Jorge - 3h29'53" 4 
 2. BEL  VAN DER LINDEN Wesley VLA 01" 0 
 3. RUS  BRUTT Pavel LOK 01" 0 
 4. ESP  GUTIERREZ CATALUÑA David - 01" 0 
 5. ARG  TOLEDO BRITOS Gustavo Mario - 01" 0 
 DQ UKR  TIMCHENKO Leonid -  0 

  Race Comment  

Leonid TIMCHENKO initially won this stage, but tested positive for triamcinolone acetonide afterwards. He is therefore disqualified from this stage and does not earn any CQ-points.


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