Bra  National Championships Brazil (Sao Carlos) I.T.T. (32 km) 27/06/2009  
  Category: NCT4  -  Race Website  
Result History   ↓ Race Comment ↓

  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 1. BRA  INHE Rodrigo Nascimento - 41'34" 12 
 2. BRA  NOVELLO Marcos Christian - 10" 8 
 3. BRA  TAVARES Luis Carlos Amorim Ferrao - 42" 5 
 4. BRA  PANIZO Gregolry Alves Freitas - 51" 3 
 5. BRA  CANCADO Raul Silva - 52" 1 
 6. BRA  MORANDI Mauricio - 53" 0 
 7. BRA  NAZARET Magno Prado - 01'03" 0 
 8. BRA  PULINI Andre Luiz - 01'06" 0 
 9. BRA  OYAKAUA Patrick Gabriel - 01'11" 0 
 10. BRA  NICACIO Pedro Autran Dourado Dutra - 01'20" 0 
 DQ BRA  ARSENO Alex David Mayer - 15" 0 
 DQ BRA  WEBER Cleberson Almeida - 36" 0 

  Race Comment  

Alex ARSENO and Cleberson WEBER initially were 3rd and 4th in this championship, but both tested positive for EPO in earlier races. Both riders were disqualified and did not get any CQ points.


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