Bra  Volta do Parana, Stage 4 : Jaguapita - Jaguapita (164,6 km) 6/06/2009  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader BRA  NOVELLO Marcos Christian - 15h37'30" 2 
 1. BRA  CANCADO Raul Silva - 3h57'45" 4 
 2. BRA  BUENO Douglas Moi -  2 
 3. BRA  RIBEIRO Fabio Jose Miguel -  1 
 4. BRA  PEREIRA Eduardo Sales -  0 
 5. BRA  PANIZO Gregolry Alves Freitas - 15" 0 
 6. BRA  AZEVEDO Patrique Gama - 15" 0 
 7. BRA  MOSER Marcelo - 15" 0 
 8. BRA  SANTOS Jair Fernando - 15" 0 
 9. BRA  SANTOS Renato Aparecido - 25" 0 
 10. URU  AGUILAR FIGUEIRA Hector Fabian FRM 29" 0 
 DQ BRA  VIEIRA Alcides Flaviano Simoes - 14" 0 

  Race Comment  

Alcides VIEIRA initially finished 5th in this stage, but tested positive for EPO in April. He was disqualified and did not get any CQ points.


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