Bol  Doble Sucre Potosi GP Cemento Fancesa, Stage 5 : Sucre - Sucre I.T.T. (35 km) 17/05/2009  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 1. COL  LADINO VEGA Gregorio TUA 54'07" 4 
 2. MEX  COLEX TEPOZ Bernardo TUA 14" 2 
 3. BOL  SOLIZ VILLCA Oscar - 16" 1 
 4. COL  NIÑO CORREDOR Victor - 20" 0 
 5. BOL  COTUMBA COA Juan - 02'23" 0 
 6. COL  CASAS BUITRAGO Ivan Mauricio - 03'27" 0 
 7. MEX  SARABIA DIAZ Ignacio TUA 03'49" 0 
 8. BOL  MAIZARES MAMANI Alberto - 03'50" 0 
 9. MEX  MAGALLANES ARANDA Juan Pablo TUA 03'54" 0 
 10. COL  SASTOQUE PULIDO Didier Alexander - 02'27" 0 
 DQ COL  BELLO CLAVIJO Ferney Orlando - 36" 0 

  Race Comment  

Ferney BELLO finished 5th in this stage but was disqualified as he had been banned for life by the Colombian Federation, later confirmed by the UCI, for a positive test in 2005.


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