Bol  Doble Sucre Potosi GP Cemento Fancesa, Stage 1 : Sucre - Potosi (157 km) 13/05/2009  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader COL  LADINO VEGA Gregorio TUA 4h46'08" 2 
 1. COL  LADINO VEGA Gregorio TUA 4h46'08" 4 
 2. COL  NIÑO CORREDOR Victor - 03" 2 
 3. BOL  COTUMBA COA Juan - 27" 1 
 4. MEX  COLEX TEPOZ Bernardo TUA 05'19" 0 
 5. BOL  SOLIZ VILLCA Oscar - 13'32" 0 
 6. MEX  RAMOS TORRES Florencio TUA 13'32" 0 
 7. COL  WILCHES RODRIGUEZ Norberto - 15'19" 0 
 8. MEX  SARABIA DIAZ Ignacio TUA 15'30" 0 
 9. BOL  MAIZARES MAMANI Alberto - 20'06" 0 
 10. COL  RODRIGUEZ CHITIVA Gerardo - 20'53" 0 
 DQ COL  BELLO CLAVIJO Ferney Orlando - 4h43'58" 0 

  Race Comment  

Ferney BELLO finished 1st and was leader after the stage but was disqualified as he had been banned for life by the Colombian Federation, later confirmed by the UCI, for a positive test in 2005.


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