Bra Scott - Marcondes Cesar - Sao Jose dos Campos (SJC) - PCT
General Manager: MONTEIRO Jose Carlos (BRA)
Ass. Sports Director: OLIVEIRA Evandro Sousa (BRA)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
BRA CAMARGO Armando Reis Costa08/08/1982--159215  Contract until 20/08
ARG CHAMORRO PAIVA Francisco Ramon07/08/1981129825128625  Contract until 20/08
BRA DIAS Robson Carlos Ribeiro14/09/198330551--  Contract until 20/08
ARG GIACINTI Jorge Alberto21/06/197447013265882 Contract until 20/08
BRA GOHR Soelito14/09/1973--31131 Contract until 20/08
BRA JUSTO Tiego Gasparotto23/04/1988--190211  Contract until 20/08
ARG MEDICI Matias29/06/1975109234115931 Contract until 20/08
BRA MORANDI Fabricio28/04/19812592431361  Contract until 20/08
BRA MORANDI Mauricio28/04/198110603689949  Contract until 20/08
BRA NAZARET Magno Prado17/01/19867676375566  Contract until 20/08
BRA PAGLIARINI Luciano Andre Mendonça18/04/1978--152717  Contract until 20/08
BRA ROGELIN Daniel Valter13/10/19723049129672  Contract until 20/08
BRA RUIZ Renato09/07/198114152124225  Contract until 20/08
BRA SANTOS Nilceu Aparecido14/07/1977--156316  Contract until 20/08
CHI SARTASOV Andrey10/11/1975--21268 Contract until 20/08
BRA TAVARES Luis Carlos Amorim Ferrao27/09/197723205169414  Contract until 20/08
  Number of riders: 16  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2010.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2010.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2010).
(D) Points at the end of 2010).

  Team Comment  

"Scott - Marcondes Cesar - Sao Jose dos Campos" was suspended by the UCI on 20 August 2010, due to financial problems.


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