Bra SwiftCarbon Pro Cycling Brasil (SCP) - CONT
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Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
BRA ANDRIATO Rafael Mattos20/10/19871899626861 
BRA BRAGA Rafael Augusto Paula15/07/1998----  
BRA COCUZZI Luiz Henrique02/08/1993----  
FRA DE TARDE Pierre18/04/1984----  
BRA FREITAS Kacio Fonseca Silva13/05/1994----  
BRA GONZELI Otavio Augusto27/01/2002----  
BRA MARTINS Diogo Sclebin Costa06/05/1982----  
BRA NAZARET Magno Prado17/01/1986--24882  
BRA NETO Orlando Francisco Sousa23/05/2002----  
CHI ROJAS NARANJO Vicente30/04/2002----  Contract from 25/07
BRA ROSA Cristian Egidio04/09/1987135215107331  
BRA ROSSI Joao Pedro02/10/1999----  
  Number of riders: 12  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2022.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2022.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2022).
(D) Points at the end of 2022).

29/09/2024 - Remarks or suggestions? Mail to
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