Bel Jartazi - Revor (JAR) - CONT
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Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
BEL ABAKOUMOV Igor30/05/198194731364182  
NZL BLACKGROVE Heath05/12/198039314699943 
BEL BLANCHY Michael24/09/1981120516587105  
FRA DEREPAS David09/03/1978119117--  
FRA DUQUE Leonardo Fabio10/04/1980--171330 
FRA GADRET John22/04/1979100827371179 
LTU KAMINSKAS Vygantas01/08/198219292--  
LTU KAUPAS Vytautas01/04/198295531124927  
UKR KOSTYUK Denys13/03/198257485413164  
BEL MEUL Robby04/09/198110292686358  
BEL PAUWELS Claude08/04/1980----  
BEL PENNE Stijn30/08/1983--22925  
BEL RONSSE Peter09/02/1980115519125127  
UKR RUDENKO Maksym12/10/19798044587756  
SWE SVENSSON Johan02/10/19791634722445  
BEL THYS Steven19/07/1978--23005  
LTU VILCINSKAS Raimondas05/07/197713411375971  
BEL WIJNANDS Stefan27/03/1981----  
  Number of riders: 18  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2005.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2005.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2005).
(D) Points at the end of 2005).

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