Fra Ag2r Prévoyance (A2R) - TT1
Website: -
General Manager: LAVENU Vincent (FRA)
Sports Director: BIONDI Laurent (FRA)
Ass. Sports Director: MAS Gilles (FRA); KASPUTIS Arturas (LTU)
Riders Photos Podium spots Stats  

      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
FRA AGNOLUTTO Christophe06/12/196955785466115  
FRA ARMATAFFET Maxime10/07/1979----  Trainee as from 1/08
ESP ASTARLOZA CHAURREAU Mikel17/11/197984637172318 
EST AUS Lauri04/11/197016277355157  
FRA BERGES Stéphane09/01/19758473755986  
RUS BOTCHAROV Aleksandr26/02/1975152373219252  
FRA BROCHARD Laurent26/03/19682492922961  
ESP CHAURREAU BERNARDEZ Iñigo14/04/197353393122406  
FRA FLICKINGER Andy04/11/197846811774531 
FRA INAUDI Nicolas21/01/197858182--  
EST KIRSIPUU Jaan17/07/19694766830879  
FRA LAIDOUN Julien24/01/1980--93530  
FRA LODER Thierry15/12/197576547138310  
FRA MONDORY Lloyd26/04/198214729108920 Trainee as from 1/08
FRA ORIOL Christophe28/02/1973265227421130  
FRA PAUMIER Laurent29/03/197329819516315  Contract until 15/04
FRA PORTAL Nicolas23/04/197977345332172  
EST PÜTSEP Erki25/05/197614131061374 
IRL SCANLON Mark10/10/198068860236239  
FRA TERRETTAZ Thomas25/08/1981----  Trainee as from 1/08
FRA TRASTOUR Olivier30/12/197117745--  
FRA TURPIN Ludovic22/03/1975191305341166 
  Number of riders: 22  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2003.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2003.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2003).
(D) Points at the end of 2003).

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