Usa Seven Up - Colorado Cyclist (7UP) - TT3
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      Rider   Date of birth   A   B   C   D           Comments
USA COLLINS Paul01/10/1969----  
USA CORBETT John15/06/1970----  
USA CREED Michael08/01/1981----  Contract from 1/04
USA FISHER Chris05/07/19691288914228  Contract from 15/08
USA GUAY Ryan11/06/1977----  
USA HOUGHTON Reese11/02/1973----  
USA LEY Michael16/08/1973----  
USA MONAHAN Kevin01/02/1972----  
GUA PINEDA MENDEZ Juan Carlos06/03/1975----  
GUA PINEDA MENDEZ Oscar04/04/1977111213129410  
USA SHEEHAN Clark07/04/1969--70344  
USA SPEAKS Steven02/07/1962--133010  
GUA VILLATORO Anton Dario10/06/197085824132910  
USA ZABRISKIE David12/01/1979--101819 
USA ZIEWACZ Doug17/08/1974----  
  Number of riders: 15  

(A) Ranking at the beginning of 2000.
(B) Points at the beginning of 2000.
(C) Ranking at the end of 2000).
(D) Points at the end of 2000).

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