Pol  Szlakiem Grodow Piastowskich, Prologue : Legnica Criterium (37 km) 24/04/2003  
  Category: 2.5s  
Result All Stages History   ↓ Race Comment ↓

 Next stage > Final GC

  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader POL  ZARADNY Piotr MIK  0 
 1. POL  ZARADNY Piotr MIK  0 
 2. UKR  BONDARIEV Bogdan CCC  0 
 4. POL  JEZOWSKI Krzysztof MIK  0 
 5. POL  RUDNICKI Dariusz LEG  0 

  Race Comment  

The prologue of the Szlakiem Grodōw Piastowskich is a circuit race that does not count for the General Classification. Therefore, no CQ-points are awarded.


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