Sui  GP Tell, Stage 3 : Zell - Zell (147,2 km) 25/08/2007  
  Category: 2.NCs  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader LAT  SMUKULIS Gatis - 10h28'30" 3 
 1. AUT  FANKHAUSER Clemens ELK 3h29'45" 8 
 2. DEN  FUGLSANG Jakob DES  4 
 3. KEN  FROOME Chris KON 02" 2 
 4. DEN  KVIST Thomas Vedel - 13" 0 
 5. SUI  BEURET Laurent - 13" 0 
 6. KAZ  ZEITS Andrey - 13" 0 
 7. LTU  SISKEVICIUS Evaldas - 13" 0 
 8. GER  BELKA Mathias - 13" 0 
 9. POR  SABIDO Carlos Manuel Nunes - 13" 0 
 10. AUT  SOKOLL Christoph - 13" 0 

  Race Comment  

Anton RESHETNIKOV was 2nd in this stage and leader in the GC, but tested positive for Carphedon in a race in June. He is therefore disqualified from this race, and does not earn any CQ points.


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