Rus  Five Rings of Moscow, Stage 1 : Moskva - Moskva (114,2 km) 2/05/2019  
  Category: 2.2s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader KAZ  NIKITIN Matvey VAM 2h24'29" 2 
 1. BLR  SHUMOU Nikolay MCC 2h19'43" 4 
 2. KAZ  NIKITIN Matvey VAM  2 
 3. RUS  ILCHENKO Vladimir -  1 
 4. RUS  KOMIN Aleksandr -  0 
 5. RUS  DUYUNOV Vladislav -  0 
 6. RUS  SUKHOV Maxim -  0 
 7. RUS  POPKOV Vitaly -  0 
 9. RUS  KIRZHAYKIN Nikita -  0 
 10. RUS  PUZANOV Dmitry -  0 
 DQ RUS  SELEDKOV Ivan -  0 

  Race Comment  

Ivan SELEDKOV finished 5th in the stage but was disqualified as he tested positive during this stage race.


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