Crc  Vuelta a Costa Rica, Stage 7 : Guapiles - Municipalidad de Goicoechea (140 km) 22/12/2018  
  Category: 2.2s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader COL  CANO MALAVER Diego Fernando BSM 22h24'24" 2 
 1. COL  CANO MALAVER Diego Fernando BSM 3h42'27" 4 
 2. CRC  SALAS SANCHEZ Brian Alonso -  2 
 3. CRC  MOYA RAMIREZ Sebastian -  1 
 4. COL  CAÑAVERAL VARGAS Jonathan BSM 24" 0 
 5. CRC  BONILLA QUIROS Daniel Andres - 24" 0 
 6. CRC  CHAVARRIA RODRIGUEZ Joseph Eladio - 24" 0 
 7. COL  CALA CALA Aristobulo BSM 40" 0 
 8. CRC  ARIAS VILLANUEVA Sergio - 02'09" 0 
 9. CHI  ALARCON CARES Pablo Andres CAS 02'09" 0 
 10. RUS  MANAKOV Viktor - 05'36" 0 
 DQ CRC  VILLALOBOS SOLIS Roman Daniel CAS 3h42'25" 0 

  Race Comment  

Roman VILLALOBOS finished 1st in the stage but was disqualified as he tested positive during this stage race.


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