Uru  Vuelta al Uruguay, Stage 2a : La Paloma - Rocha T.T.T. (25,6 km) 24/03/2018  
  Category: 2.2s  
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  Rank   Team       Time   CQ (*)  
leaderARG  RICHEZE ARAQUISTAIN Adrian EzequielAVF5h52'02"2
1.Funvic/Brasil Pro Cycling28'35"1
AFFONSO Murilo Ferraz, SANTOS Flavio Cardoso, NAZARET Magno Prado, GOHR Andre Eduardo, SILVA Roberto Pinheiro
2.Asociacion Civil Agrupacion Virgen De Fatima57"0
RICHEZE ARAQUISTAIN Adrian Ezequiel, ESCUELA Daniel Ricardo, NARANJO SANCHEZ Nicolas Javier, RICHEZE ARAQUISTAIN Mauro Abel, ZAMORA Daniel Eduardo
3.Sindicato de Empleados Publicos de San Juan01'22"0
DOTTI Juan Pablo, ALVAREZ Alberto Dario, TOLOZA Efrain Enrique, MULLER Mauricio Waldemar, DIAZ Daniel Ricardo
VALENZUELA Diego Gaston, TRILLINI Sebastian Maximiliano, VIVAS Federico Nicolas, GIL MAIDANA Julio Fernando, RUIZ Ivan Gabriel
5.San Francisco Claude - Klabin02'02"0
ROSA Cristian Egidio, INHE Rodrigo Nascimento, ANDRIATO Rafael Mattos, FETTER Atillio Pinno

(*) Points earned by each rider of the team.

  Race Comment  

Caio ORMENENSE was part of the winning team, but tested positive during this stage race. He is therefore disqualified from this stage. Gaston JAVIER was part of the team finishing 3rd, but had tested positive in January. He is therefore disqualified from this stage.


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