Bra  Volta do Rio Grande do Sul, Stage 1 : Porte Alegre - Torres (213 km) 9/04/2014  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader ARG  CLAVERO Cristian Omar IRC 4h17'11" 2 
 1. ARG  CLAVERO Cristian Omar IRC 4h17'21" 4 
 2. BRA  ROSA Cristian Egidio DAT  2 
 3. CHI  RODRIGUEZ AGUILAR Jose Luis -  1 
 4. BRA  KNAPP Mauricio Bielinski - 03" 0 
 5. ARG  TRILLINI Walter Gaston IRC 01'13" 0 
 6. CHI  SEPULVEDA VILLAR Luis Fernando - 01'41" 0 
 7. BRA  MOTA Fabiele Santos - 01'47" 0 
 8. CHI  ALMONACID GONZALEZ Patricio Javier - 01'48" 0 
 9. COL  SANCHEZ GUARIN Oscar Eduardo FUN 01'50" 0 
 10. VEN  GALVIZ GARCIA Carlos Johan - 01'50" 0 
 DQ BRA  ARES Diego MEM 01'48" 0 

  Race Comment  

Diego ARES finished 8th in this stage but was disqualified as he tested positive during the race.


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