Kor  Tour de Korea, Stage 3 : Gwangju - Yeosu (135,6 km) 24/04/2012  
  Category: 2.2s  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader KOR  JANG Chan-jae TSG 9h16'52" 2 
 1. KOR  JANG Chan-jae TSG 3h23'52" 4 
 2. USA  HANSON Ken OPT  2 
 3. ARG  RICHEZE ARAQUISTAIN Maximiliano Ariel PPO  1 
 4. SLO  ILESIC Aldo Ino TT1  0 
 5. USA  HUFF Charles Bradley JBC  0 
 6. KOR  SEO Joon-yong SCT  0 
 8. GER  EDMÜLLER Benjamin KTM  0 
 9. KOR  JEONG Cheung-gyo GGC  0 
 10. AUS  LANG Richard RCS  0 

  Race Comment  

Alexander SEREBRYAKOV initially won this 3rd stage, but he was relegated because of irregular sprinting behaviour.


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