Bol  Vuelta a Bolivia, Stage 2 : Villa Montes - Camiri (161 km) 5/11/2011  
  Category: NE  -  Race Website  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader VEN  SALINAS DUQUE Yonathan Jesus -  0 
 1. VEN  SALINAS DUQUE Yonathan Jesus -  0 
 2. COL  TALERO REYES Cristhian Camilo - 08" 0 
 3. ECU  NAVARRETE NAVARRETE Segundo Mesias - 10" 0 
 4. COL  CASTIBLANCO CUBIDES Jorge Camilo - 44" 0 
 5. COL  ROJAS DIAZ Jose Alexis - 52" 0 

  Race Comment  

The 1st and 2nd stage of the Vuelta a Bolivia do not count for the GC.


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