Ita  Giro della Provincia di Lucca, Stage 3 : Altopascio - Capannori (228 km) 30/09/1999  
  Category: 2.3s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader ITA  BETTINI Paolo MAP 12h24'11" 5 
 1. EST  KIRSIPUU Jaan CAS 5h24'27" 7 
 1. LAT  VAINSTEINS Romans VIN  7 
 3. ITA  BETTINI Paolo MAP  0 
 4. ITA  GUIDI Fabrizio POL  0 
 5. ITA  LOMBARDI Giovanni TEL  0 
 6. AUT  MORSCHER Harald SAE  0 
 7. ITA  MORENI Cristian LIQ  0 
 8. POL  WADECKI Piotr MRO  0 
 9. ITA  DI LUCA Danilo CTA  0 
 10. SLO  HVASTIJA Martin BAL  0 

  Race Comment  

Jaan KIRSIPUU (Est) and Romans VAINSTEINS (Lat) were declared by the jury of the Giro della Provincia di Lucca to have crossed the line exactly at the same time in stage 3. Therefore, both are declared winners and CQ-points are halved for them.


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