Uae  Sharjah Cycling Tour, Stage 2 : Umm Al Quwain - Kalba City (136 km) 29/11/2014  
  Category: 2.2s  
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  Rank       Rider   Team   Time   CQ  
 leader UAE  MIRZA AL HAMMADI Yousif - 5h20'25" 2 
 1. MAR  HADDI Soufiane SKD 3h07'24" 4 
 2. MDA  PLIUSCHIN Alexandre SKD 02" 2 
 3. NZL  VAN UDEN Roman CCN 58" 1 
 4. UAE  MIRZA AL HAMMADI Yousif - 58" 0 
 5. ESP  MANCEBO PEREZ Francisco SKD 58" 0 
 6. NED  BUGTER Luuc - 01'00" 0 
 7. MAR  JELLOUL Adil SKD 01'01" 0 
 8. NED  KERS Koos Jeroen - 01'04" 0 
 9. MAS  OTHMAN Muhammad Adiq Husainie TSG 01'04" 0 
 10. SRB  JOVANOVIC Nebojsa TKT 01'04" 0 

  Race Comment  

Alexandre PLIUSCHIN initially was leader after this stage, but tested positive for Salbutamol after the 1st stage. He was disqualified from this stage and the GC, but not from the race.


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