CQ Ranking 2021


  Nbr   Rank   Prev.       Rider   Team   Date of birth   CQ  
1.16.(342)DEN VINGEGAARD HANSEN JonasTJV10/12/19961254
2.20.(55)DEN ASGREEN KasperDQT08/02/19951136
3.35.(216)DEN HONORE Mikkel FrølichDQT21/01/1997855
4.70.(175)DEN VALGREN HUNDAHL MichaelEFN07/02/1992602
5.72.(30)DEN PEDERSEN MadsTFS18/12/1995589
6.82.(205)DEN CORT NIELSEN MagnusEFN16/01/1993565
7.113.(4)DEN FUGLSANG JakobAPT22/03/1985447
8.151.(-)DEN SKJELMOSE JENSEN MattiasTFS26/09/2000344
9.155.(492)DEN WÜRTZ SCHMIDT MadsISN31/03/1994338
10.228.(218)DEN MØRKØV CHRISTENSEN MichaelDQT30/04/1985248

Prev.: Ranking at the beginning of 2021.

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